Gestolen scenery!

Beste goblins en vrienden, Jammer genoeg hebben we recentelijk vastgesteld dat enkele spullen uit het Goblinkot in Oberonn verdwenen zijn. Het gaat hier niet, zoals in het verleden, over kleinere spullen in de aard van knutselmateriaal, lijm of zelfs lampjes, maar over grote dure stukken scenery zoals: een Realm of Battle Game Board, Wall of… Continue reading Gestolen scenery!

Categorized as News

TSoI: Phase 3 Started!

Governor Eliphas Strabo looked over his shoulder, clearly uncomfortable with skulking around in the shadows, on his own planet. He stepped into the shadows of the abandoned shrine and squinted his eyes, to adapt to the darkness within.

The Storm of Iocanthe – A 40K Kill Team Campaign

The winds are howling, the warp is stirring, a storm is coming to Iocanthe. Get your kill team ready!! The Golden Goblins are organizing a 40K Kill Team Campaign. The Storm of Iocanthe In this story driven campaign every player will be able to lead a kill team of his favorite Warhammer 40K army. Have… Continue reading The Storm of Iocanthe – A 40K Kill Team Campaign